Creative, Culture, Education
2 years
Funding (20.000$)
Project management
Creative Direction
Art Direction
2000 Catalogs produced
7 Exhibitions
4 talks, panel discussions and workshops
2100 Posters submitted from 23 countries
Wael Morcos, Lebanon
Mohammed Sharaf, Kuwait
Mobius Design, UAE
Shennawy, Egypt
Regina Rammelt, Co-Director
Ryan Lee Grees, Co-Director
Philipp Paulsen, Co-Director
Jochen Braun, Co-Director
Maram AlRefaie, Design
Hana Neumann, Design
100/100 —HUNDRED BEST ARABIC POSTERS is a biennial non-commercial official poster competition, originated at the German University in Cairo, GUC. Jochen Braun is Co-Founder and Co-Director.
The platform’s mission is to document the Arab world’s contemporary visual culture through selecting and highlighting the best Arabic posters, acting as a platform that inspires, connects and educates new talents, academics and, of course, professionals worldwide.
Each round theme is designed by local talents. The posters are selected by an independend jury, document in a catalouge and displayed in a moving exhibition within the region and beyond.
Round 03 has been exhibited in UAE (Warehouse 421, Abu Dhabi), Belgium (Terdilft, Bornem), Saudi Arabia (Saudi Design Festival, Ryiadh), Palestine (Birzeit University, Birzeit), Egypt (Tahrir Cultural Center, Cairo; The Design Show, Cairo; Bibliotheca Alexandria, Alexandria)
Final Round 03 theme posters
Our jury members
Social Media campaign
Reflection video of round 02 and all additional activities
Our catalog – including statistics and all 100 winning posters
Belgium impressions
Exhibition at the Tahrir Cultural Center,
Cairo, Egypt
Exhibition at the Saudi Design Festival,
Ryiadh, Saudi Arabia